Principals Message

Welcome to Southern Cross Early Childhood School

It is my pleasure and privilege to welcome you to Southern Cross Early Childhood School. Our school is a unique setting that has been designed to support the learning and development of children and their families from birth to 8 years (year 2).

At Southern Cross Early Childhood School, we work in partnership with families to ensure all children are successful and reach their full potential. We understand the importance of the early years and the relationships we nurture with children, families and the community. We believe that when you enrol a child, you enrol the family. As a team we work hard to develop positive and productive relationships between children, staff, families and the wider community.

Southern Cross offers teaching approaches and practices that are aligned with research and best practice in early childhood education. We provide stimulating learning environments, structured learning opportunities and deep inquiry through a play-based approach. Research suggests that children thrive when able to access high-quality, play-based approaches to curriculum and learning outcomes. Our early childhood educated staff are experts in engaging children in learning that provides opportunities to investigate, research, take risks, ponder, experience, engage, develop independence and express themselves every day. Curiosity is modelled by our teaching team as we encourage children to wonder and explore their thinking.

Our learning and teaching approaches are guided by the Early Years Learning Framework (preschool) and the Australian Curriculum (kindergarten to year 2). There is a strong emphasis on Literacy and numeracy skills as we provide children with explicit evidence-based teaching and learning experiences each day.

Social and emotional learning provides children with the foundational skills to thrive at school and beyond. Children at Southern Cross are explicitly taught and offered skills and strategies to support the development of mindfulness and a positive mindset through a focus on wellbeing.

I look forward to working in partnership with you as we share and celebrate your child’s success.

Kelly Booker
Southern Cross Early Childhood School