Bright Star Cafe

The Bright Star Cafe was developed to provide opportunities for our children to eat their meals in a real cafe environment. The cafe setting enables children to sit at tables with their peers whilst providing opportunities to further develop their oral language and social skills. All our children love this fine dining experience each day!

The cafe is an ideal venue for our regular community breakfasts where children, along with their families, enjoy breakfast.

Anglicare provide the canteen facilities at the school. Families who are not accessing childcare may place lunch orders at reception five days a week or use the online ordering system 'Flexischools'.

- go to Flexischools

Lunch orders consist of a hot meal and a piece of fruit at a cost of $6.00. The four week rotating menu has been created using national nutrition guidelines with a multicultural and seasonal perspective. Please refer to the menu below.

Menu Term 2 2024 PDF small (185 KB)

Lunch Lunchtime Sandwich